Verified corporate data for efficient KYC


Verified AML-related business data at your fingertips, integrated in your bank’s processes & IT systems.

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How works

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1. Company enters business data

Companies that start a commercial relationship with your bank, enter their data in your online onboarding environment.

2. Compliance officer verifies & validates the KYC data

Your bank’s compliance officer receives the data and verifies every field according to commonly agreed verification rules.

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3. KYC data and verification shared on kube

The KYC dataset and the verification status of each individual data field is available on kube for other banks to use as long as they are authorised by the company to do so.

4. Connected kube banks can use data

Banks that are connected to kube and start a commercial relationship with a company already on kube can use the KYC data and the verification status of each field. In case of KYC renewal, the updated data is also shared between banks.

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Advantages for your bank

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Trust through cooperation

kube is based on a trusted cooperation with a rulebook agreed upon by all kube members.

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Governance body

kube is an open platform in which banks have to adhere to governance rules. Your bank is a member of a governance body that guards kube’s future.

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Higher compliance

kube conforms to GDPR by design, is AML compliant, vetted by external audit, and provides full auditability of all transactions.

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Easy integration

APIs and their documentation are available to facilitate back-end & front-end integration in your bank’s own systems.

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Business privacy

Banks are unaware of the company’s other business relationships without authorisation of that company.

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Higher efficiency

Less errors means less rework and reduced costs to remain compliant. Instead of duplication effort you get mutualisation effort.

advantage banks futureproof

Future proof

kube is extensible: new external data sources and partner offerings can be added.

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KYC cost proportionality

As a bank, you receive compensation for your KYC verification effort.

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More commercial time

Less time spent on KYC and AML checks means you can spend more time talking business with your customers.

kube for businesses

Trusted by

bpn paribas
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